1. In this Code of Conduct:
• "Board" means the South Thornlie Primary School Board
• "Code" means the Board's Code of Conduct as amended.
• "Chair" means the Chair of the Board.
• "Meeting" means a meeting of the Board.
• "Member" means a member of the Board.
• "Schools" means the South Thornlie Primary School and/or the South Thornlie Early Childhood Centre as appropriate.
• "Student" means a student enrolled at the School.
2. In this Code, the singular includes the plural and vice-versa.
3. Members shall abide by the Code.
4. In making decisions on matters before the Board, Members
shall be guided by:
a. the vision, ethos and values of the Schools;
b. what is in the best interests of Students; and
c. what will enhance the education provided by the
5. Members shall seek to represent members of the School
community fairly and to the best of their ability.
6. In fulfilling their duties, Members shall, at all times, strive
a. conduct themselves in a civil and respectful manner at
Meetings and in the course of Board business;
b. promote respectful partnerships;
c. use clear, open and honest communication and
transparent processes;
d. promote democratic, informed decision-making;
e. act for the benefit of the Schools and not for any
personal, professional or third party gain;
f. discharge their duties in good faith and with
impartiality, honesty, integrity and diligence;
g. exercise their powers of office for proper purposes;
h. refrain from conduct likely to bring the Board and/or
the Schools into disrepute;
i. avoid using information gained as a Member for
improper purposes; and
j. avoid using the property or resources of the Schools in
an improper manner.
7. Members shall ensure that Meetings are orderly, result oriented,
efficient and as productive as possible.
8. Members shall actively participate in Meetings and must
ensure that they have read all relevant materials prior to
attending a Meeting.
9. Except where prevented from doing so by exceptional
circumstances, a Member who is unable to attend a Meeting shall
forward an apology to the Chair prior to that Meeting.
10. Members shall keep confidential, all matters of a sensitive
nature that come to their attention in the course of their
membership of the Board. Sensitive matters include, but are not
limited to; matters of a personal nature relating to staff,
Students, parents, or other members of the school community.
11. Wherever possible, Members shall refrain from discussing
individuals (whether staff, Students, parents, or other members
of the school community) at Meetings.
12. Members will "speak as one voice" in public once a decision
has been taken by the Board.
13. Where a Member feels unable to support a decision taken
by the Board, that Member should consider resigning from the
14. Members must not allow their personal or professional
interests to conflict with that of the Schools.
15. Members shall declare any conflict of interest (or potential
conflict of interest) at the start of the Meeting at which the
relevant issue will be raised or at the point in the Meeting when
that issue arises.
16. A Member who believes another Member has an undeclared
conflict of interest shall bring the matter to the attention of the
17. All declared conflicts of interest will be recorded in the
Board’s Conflicts of Interest Register.
18. Where a conflict of interest (or potential conflict of interest)
is identified, the Member concerned will leave the room
immediately prior to discussion of the matter which is the subject
of the conflict of interest and shall remain outside the room until
that discussion has finished.
19. A Member with a declared conflict of interest shall not vote
on the matter which is the subject of the conflict of interest.
20. A Member with a declared conflict of interest shall not take
part in any discussion of the matter which is the subject of the
conflict of interest with other Members, unless expressly invited
to do so by unanimous agreement of those Members who are not
subject to the conflict of interest.
21. Examples of conflicts of interest include:
a. where a Member or his/her immediate family or
business interests stands to gain financially from any
business dealings with or programs or services
provided to, the Schools;
b. where a Member offers a professional service to the
c. where a Member has a role on the governing body of
another organization whose objects, aims, goals or
activities may be in conflict with the vision, ethos and
values of the Schools.
22. The Board has a zero tolerance policy with respect to
harassment and discrimination.
23. Conflict between Members shall be dealt with respectfully
and in accordance with the principles of natural justice.
24. This Code may be amended by the Board at any time and
shall be reviewed by the Board at least once every three years.

Parents & Citizens (P&C)
P&C stands for Parents and Citizens Association which consists of a body of volunteers from within the school community, usually parents/carers of students.
School Board
Our School Board is comprised of parent representatives, community representatives and staff representatives.
South Thornlie Primary School Partnerships
Find out about South Thornlie Primary School's Partnerships.
Parents & Citizens (P&C)
P&C stands for Parents and Citizens Association which consists of a body of volunteers from within the school community, usually parents/carers of students.