LOTE (Language Other Than English)
At South Thornlie PS, Italian is taught to students from Years 3-6 for 60 minutes per week. The students are taught to communicate in Italian as well as gain an understanding of Italian cultural practices and aspects of everyday life in Italy. Building on the students’ intercultural understanding supports our school’s ethos of respect for diversity and difference, encouraging openness to different perspectives.
The teaching and learning program is aligned within the Western Australian Curriculum for Languages and a range of different experiences and activities are provided through interactives tasks including singing, role-playing, games, choral repetition, digital tools and story books in Italian. The lessons are centred around topics that are engaging and relevant to every child such as numbers, colours, family, food, animals, weather, travel, sport, clothing and classroom objects and instructions.
• Four signs around the school were duplicated with their Italian equivalent to promote the language throughout the school community.
• The implementation of Italian Ambassadors.
• Using the PA system, the Italian Ambassadors reinforced the target language to all the students weekly.
• The implementation of the Leaning Tower of Pisa Award. This award is given to a student who leans towards giving their best effort in Italian.
• The Italian Ambassadors gave out the Pinocchio Award to the best class and the Leaning Tower of Pisa Award to the best student on a fortnightly basis.
• Photos and a range of student work shared with the school community via the newsletter, school website and Italian room.
• See- Saw app was used to provide ongoing lessons for the students.
• Italian is well resourced and maintained.
• Students in Year 3 B2 enjoyed a pizza lunch and gelato as a reward for their work in Italian.
• Each classroom is provided with posters to display in classrooms to further promote the target language.
Please find link attached for the whole school Italian song.
Italian News 2021
Salve a tutti. Italiano - A language for all. This year the Years 3 to 6 classes are fortunate to be learning Italiano. Italian is a relatively easy language to learn because of its similarity to English. Both English and Italian are derived from Latin.
Learning another language is an exciting experience for young children. The best time to start learning a language is early in life.
No matter what your child’s ability, research shows that learning another language can:
• Stimulate brain development - Learning another language helps develop essential areas of children’s brains.
• Significantly enhance English literacy skills - Children automatically compare and contrast the system of the new language they are learning with English. This gives them an insight to how English works, which accelerates their ability to read and write.
• Improve memory, concentration and numeracy skills - Learning another language strengthens children’s memory for sequences and their ability to concentrate and build connections.
• Improve overall performance at school - Learning another language is associated with excellent, long-term academic results. Studies show that in the world’s highest-performing school systems, all students in all year levels learn one or more languages.
• Encourage respect and understanding of other cultures - Learning another language sparks children’s curiosity for other cultures. It opens their minds to different ways of living and promotes harmony and respect in the schoolyard and beyond.
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Signora Wills
Italian Teacher
La Festa Della Mamma (Mothers Day)
Although mothers are respected and appreciated all year round, the ‘official’ Mother’s Day, known as La Festa Della Mamma is celebrated in Italia at the same time as here in Australia, the second Sunday in May.
What matters most to the Italians is that it’s a day where families come together from wherever they are to celebrate and look after their mothers.
In Italian this week, the students will make a card for their mum, nan or a special person in their life and the message will be written in Italian. Ask your child to read and translate the message to you.
Buona Festa della Mamma a tutte le mamme della nostra comunità. (Happy Mother’s Day to all the mums in our school community.)
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Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
The Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum addresses the four key learning areas: History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship and Economics and Business.